Theatre Template: Costume Measurement Chart

The Costume Measurement Chart is an all-in-one spreadsheet measurement chart that logs your performer's measurements so you only have to measure once to ensure costumes fit.

Whether you're creating costumes, renting, or buying you'll need to know the measurements of your cast to ensure they fit just right!

Track all measurements in one place in the Costume Measurement Chart. 

Production Phase: Production, Rehearsal

How to use: Once the cast has been confirmed and rehearsals are underway, it is time to get out the measuring tape and measure your cast for their costumes. 

Measurements can be done by appointment or during the rehearsal process. Using one spreadsheet you can enter in all the measurements you might need at the same time. 

Here are the top tips for using the Costume Measurement Chart:

  • Go ahead and get every measurement - even if you don't think you'll need it! You never know when a director will come to you and say "...can we add a hat? And a jacket? Also a cravat..." 
  • Most actors will be uncomfortable with getting measurements taken, make it relaxed and easy by conversing instead of silent measuring
  • Don't share out the measurements publicly, people naturally compare, this chart should be the costuming team only



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